Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Mugai Ryu, Tosei Ryu, Uchida Ryu, Isshin Ryu Kusarigama seminars with the grandmaster from Japan It´s an honor to greet the Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Soke, Niina Gyokusou Toyoaki in Colgne again this year. This time we will have the following events: 1. european Taikai Mugai Ryu Kata and Kumitachi seminars Tosei Ryu Tanjojutsu seminar … Continued
Mugai Ryu with the Grandmaster from Japan It is a great honor to welcome the Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Soke, Niina Gyokudo Toyoaki in Cologne. Mugai Ryu Seminar With Niina Gyokudo Soke The 3rd European Mugai Ryu Seminar under Niina Gyokudo Soke will be from May 25th to June 3rd 2012 in the Mugai Ryu … Continued
Many pictures of the events in our Gallery May and June were quite busy with many events. But I finally uploaded the pictures in our Gallery. Ceremony, Dan exams and sayonara party. Okurisshou ceremony und Dan exams The Mugai Ryu and Tosei Ryu seminar with Gosoke in Köln. Seminar with Gosoke The seminars with Niina … Continued
The last day with Niina Gosoke in Köln Sunday, June 5th 2011 the Dan exams for this year in Europe will be held. Please prepare until then, we will start at 13.00 pm. After the examinations we will hold the Okurisshou, a special ceremony following the sayonara party for Gosoke, who will go back to … Continued
Training and Seminars with Niina Gosoke It is a great honor to welcome the Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Iaihoudo Soke, Niina Gyokudo Toyoaki this year again in Köln. Gosoke will arrive in Germany on May 26th with six other people from Japan. I would like to greet them nicely with my students and show them … Continued