Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Many pictures of the events in our Gallery May and June were quite busy with many events. But I finally uploaded the pictures in our Gallery. Ceremony, Dan exams and sayonara party. Okurisshou ceremony und Dan exams The Mugai Ryu and Tosei Ryu seminar with Gosoke in Köln. Seminar with Gosoke The seminars with Niina … Continued
At the japanese Embassy in Holland Chris De Jongh and Arjan Tervoort together with Siewert Baar demonstrated Mugai Ryu and Niten Ich Ryu at the Japanese Embassy in Holland. Hier ist ein kleiner Artikel über die Vorführung im “Den Helder Aktuell”: You can see more pictures in our Gallery. Mugai Ryu in Holland
To the anniversary of the death of Mugai Ryu´s founder Today 284 years before Tsuji Gettan died in meditation. We still honor him.