Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Stockkampf Seminar in Köln! Tosei Ryu Tanjojutsu ist eine japanische Kampfkunst und ein äusserst effektiver, japanischer Stockkampf Stil mit dem Tanjo, einem 90cm langen Stock.
Tosei Ryu with the Grandmaster from Japan It is a great honor to welcome the Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Soke and founder of Tosei Ryu, Niina Gyokudo Toyoaki in Cologne. Tosei Ryu Seminar With Niina Gyokudo Soke The 2nd European Tosei Ryu Seminar under Niina Gyokudo Soke will be on May 28th and June 4th … Continued