Tosei Ryu with the Grandmaster from Japan
It is a great honor to welcome the Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Soke and founder of Tosei Ryu, Niina Gyokudo Toyoaki in Cologne.
Tosei Ryu Seminar
With Niina Gyokudo Soke
The 2nd European Tosei Ryu Seminar under Niina Gyokudo Soke will be on May 28th and June 4th 2012 in the Tenshinkai Dojo in Cologne.
The seminar will content all Tosei Ryu techniques and Kata as well as techniques from Uchida Ryu Tanjojutsu.
Tosei Ryu Seminar
Japanese Stickfighting
Monday, May 28th
From 18.00 pm
Montag, June 04th
From 18.00 pm
And Application
The complete seminar
Payment until May 1st, 2012.
For payment after May 1st, there will be charged additional 40,- Euro.
External: 100,- Euro
Members: 70,- Euro
Students: 60,- Euro
Under 18: 50,- Euro
Daily charge
Prices per day
Payment until May 1st, 2012.
For payment after May 1st, there will be charged additional 15,- Euro per day.
External: 65,- Euro
Members: 40,- Euro
Students: 35,- Euro
Under 18: 30,- Euro
For application at the complete Mugai Ryu and Tosei Ryu seminar there will be a price down of 30,- Euro.
Join the seminars
Mugai Ryu Europe
Tenshinkai Dojo Köln
Holbeinstr. 6
50733 Köln
Application can be done by Mail to the Mugai Ryu Europe Honbu or the corresponding teachers.