Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Mugai Ryu demonstration in Paris We will travel to Paris this year again on May 15th 2011 to demonstrate Mugai Ryu Iaihyoudo with Niina Gosoke and many more friends from Japan. Departure will be on 19th. On 20th there will be a Training with Niina Gyokudo Soke of Mugai Ryu and other friends and masters … Continued
Our journey to Paris! You can find all pictures in our gallery in more high resolution. Videos will follow soon! May 15th we went to Paris to present the art of Mugai Ryu with Niina Gyokudo Gosoke, Chikaoka Sensei and more from Japan. The drive went well thanks to Fa-Bu Barrackas and Turbo Tutone. The … Continued