Tosei Ryu

Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.


Free Fight

Appliance of techniques under save conditions with a partner.

Self Defence

Direct and simple techniques, as well as training of drills with the purpose of self-defense.

Paris Reise Bericht

Our journey to Paris!

You can find all pictures in our gallery in more high resolution.
Videos will follow soon!

May 15th we went to Paris to present the art of Mugai Ryu with Niina Gyokudo Gosoke, Chikaoka Sensei and more from Japan.

Paris Fahrt - Abfahrt

Paris Fahrt - vollgepackt

The drive went well thanks to Fa-Bu Barrackas and Turbo Tutone.

Fa-Bu Barrackas

Paris Ausflug

Paris Ausflug

The arrival had a nice timing!

Paris Ankunft

Paris Ankunft

Essen mit Gosoke

Essen mit Gosoke

At the next day we were planning the event.

Paris Iaido Mugai Ryu Kenjutsu

And took a look around Paris.

Paris Ausflug

Paris Ausflug

Paris Ausflug

Paris Ausflug

Paris Ausflug

Paris Ausflug

Paris Kaicho Shibucho

On May 16th the presentation began with our group.

Paris Ausflug

Paris Ausflug

Paris Mugai Ryu

Paris Mugai Ryu

Paris Mugai Ryu

Paris Mugai Ryu

Paris Mugai Ryu

Paris Mugai Ryu

After my students, I showed some Kata as well.

Paris Mugai Ryu

Paris Mugai Ryu

Paris Luciano

Paris Luciano

Next some Kata by our Japanese friends.

Paris Iaido Mugai Ryu Kenjutsu Vorführung

And Tameshigiri.

Paris Tameshigiri

Paris Tameshigiri

Paris Tameshigiri

After Tameshigiri it was time for high Level Kata.

Paris Iaido Mugai Ryu Kenjutsu Vorführung

And Kumitachi / Kenjutsu.

Paris Iaido Mugai Ryu Kenjutsu Vorführung

Paris Iaido Mugai Ryu Kenjutsu Vorführung

Mugai Ryu 6th Dan Hoshina Sensei and the still active 90 years old 6th Dan.

Paris Iaido Mugai Ryu Kenjutsu Vorführung

Paris Iaido Mugai Ryu Kenjutsu Vorführung

And finally Niina Gosoke!

Paris Gosoke

Paris Gosoke

The crowd liked it and wanted to try for themselves.

Paris Iaido Mugai Ryu Kenjutsu

And some pictures of our dinner and leaving lunch.

Paris Ausflug


Paris - Sensei, Micha & David

Paris - Chris & Karsten

Paris - Fabu Gabu