Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Mugai Ryu Iaido and Kenjutsu in Frankfurt / Dietzenbach We will hold the first Mugai Ryu seminar in Frankfurt / Dietzenbach in June. There will be taught all three aspects of Mugai Ryu.Kata, Kumitachi and Tameshigiri. Mugai Ryu is an old, authentic martial art of the Samurai. It goes back to the year 1693 and … Continued
April 20th at 13.00 PM in Köln I will hold a preperation-seminar for the Taikai. The students from Groningen, Haarlem, Koblenz and Köln will train together a whole day. We will run through the whole Taikai sequence and I will prepare everybody seperately for the competition. 5 hours are planned and we will go to … Continued
Das Dojo bleibt vom 24.12.2012 bis zum 06.01.2013 geschlossen. Ausserdem neue Kurse im neuen Jahr!
Das Samstag Training wird von David Erguvan geleitet Jeden Samstag von 13:00 – 15:00 gibt es nun Training mit David. Gerne kann auch frei für sich allein trainiert werden.
You can train now Thursday as well from 16.00 to 18.00 Michael offers training every Thursday from 16.00 until 18.00. It is not a fixed class and you can train on your own as well if you like. Now it´s possible to train Mugai Ryu Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday in the Keizankai Dojo … Continued