Tosei Ryu

Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.


Free Fight

Appliance of techniques under save conditions with a partner.

Self Defence

Direct and simple techniques, as well as training of drills with the purpose of self-defense.

Mugai Ryu Seminar in Dietzenbach / Frankfurt

Mugai Ryu Iaido and Kenjutsu in Frankfurt / Dietzenbach

Mugai Ryu Frankfurt

We will hold the first Mugai Ryu seminar in Frankfurt / Dietzenbach in June. There will be taught all three aspects of Mugai Ryu.Kata, Kumitachi and Tameshigiri.

Mugai Ryu is an old, authentic martial art of the Samurai. It goes back to the year 1693 and is still taught in its pure form. Mugai Ryu Iaido is the essence of Japanese sword fighting and a way of the Zen.

Plain, clear beauty and efficiency. Mugai Ryu Iaido contains no superfluous or pointless movements, every movement has a deeper and practical sense which is also taught. Mugai Ryu is Zen in Motion. Next to the technical training the development of a strong character is in focus.

Components of the Mugai Ryu Iaido trainings are Kata, Kumitachi or Kenjutsu and Tameshigiri. So forms, duel and the cutting test.

Teachers: Luciano Gabriel Morgenstern and Mario Klersy

Mugai Ryu Seminar
June 15th from 13:00 to 18:00.

Turnhalle der Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Schule
Schulstraße, 63128 Dietzenbach

Price: 60,- Euro incl. 2 mats für Tameshigiri

Application: Mario Klersy or Luciano Morgenstern