Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Essential techniques and principles taught with the wooden sword for fighting-applications with a partner.
A style restricted to the use of the shortsword with the left hand, developed by Niina-Soke.
The Kendo-like appliance of sword fighting with safety-swords and protective gear in free-fight.
Forms that have been passed down for generations, aiming to hone ones body control, technique and awareness.
Genko Nito Ryu is an effective two-sword Kenjutsu style, the natural use of both arms makes it very accesible even for beginners.
Cuttingtest to ensure correct execution and quality of technique.
An effective new style focusing on fighting and applicability, developed by Niina-Soke, using two swords.