Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Tameshigiri & Kenjutsu Seminar I am very happy to announce the Jiki Shinkage Ryu seminar with Matsuba sensei in April. Matsuba Kunimasa is one of the highest sword-smiths of Japan and a famous Aikido and Kenjutsu master. The seminar will include Tameshigiri and Kenjutsu The Kenjutsu part will be Jiki Shinkage Ryu Kenjutsu. After the … Continued
The two-sword style Genko Nito-ryu is a style recompiled from Yamaguchi-ryu (the root of Mugai Ryu), Mugai Ryu and other styles using two swords. Nito-ryu is more advantageous than itto-ryu. Even Miyamoto Musashi said, “If you can use your left and right arms equally, nito-ryu is more advantageous than itto-ryu.” This is extremely natural and … Continued
Stockkampf Seminar in Köln! Tosei Ryu Tanjojutsu ist eine japanische Kampfkunst und ein äusserst effektiver, japanischer Stockkampf Stil mit dem Tanjo, einem 90cm langen Stock.
Der Mugai Ryu Europe e.V. lädt zum 2. Kenkaku Banrai in Europa, oder, op Kölsch, Karnevals-Taikai ein. Der Zielsetzung des Vereins entsprechend, ist die Veranstaltung ein Beitrag zum deutsch-japanischen Kulturaustausch.