Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
May 26th 2013 in Cologne Taikai is japanese for a competition, the direct translation would be something like “big meeting”. In honor to this meaning it is not just about competing, but gathering together. We will hold many seminars with Niina Soke in that time as well. The 1st european Taikai will be in Mai … Continued
Mugai Ryu, Tosei Ryu, Uchida Ryu, Isshin Ryu Kusarigama seminars with the grandmaster from Japan It´s an honor to greet the Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Soke, Niina Gyokusou Toyoaki in Colgne again this year. This time we will have the following events: 1. european Taikai Mugai Ryu Kata and Kumitachi seminars Tosei Ryu Tanjojutsu seminar … Continued
Tameshigiri & Kenjutsu Seminar I am very happy to announce the Jiki Shinkage Ryu seminar with Matsuba sensei in May. Matsuba Kunimasa is one of the highest sword-smiths of Japan and a famous Aikido and Kenjutsu master. The seminar will include Tameshigiri and Kenjutsu For Tameshigiri will be used bamboo not Tatami. The Kenjutsu part … Continued
Mugai Ryu Iaido and Kenjutsu in Istanbul We will hold the first Mugai Ryu seminar in Istanbul in April. There will be taught all three aspects of Mugai Ryu.Kata, Kumitachi and Tameshigiri. Mugai Ryu is an old, authentic martial art of the Samurai. It goes back to the year 1693 and is still taught in … Continued
Mugai Ryu Iaido and Kenjutsu in Frankfurt / Dietzenbach We will hold the first Mugai Ryu seminar in Frankfurt / Dietzenbach in June. There will be taught all three aspects of Mugai Ryu.Kata, Kumitachi and Tameshigiri. Mugai Ryu is an old, authentic martial art of the Samurai. It goes back to the year 1693 and … Continued