On September 18th 2011
On September 18, 2011 Kochō-kai will be opened officially with an “open house”.
From 18:00 to 22:00, everyone (budoka, interested persons, family,
friends, neighbors of the hall who or whatever) welcome to the opening
The opening is a “bring your own.” All visitors are asked what food
and drink with you, so there is plenty to eat and drink for all
At 19:00, the hall opened with the first sword cut (a straw mat) of this season.
After that budoka from different traditions will be demonstrating
their tradition in honor of the opening:
- Mugai Ryu
- Hatakeyama ha Heiho
- Aikikai Aikido
- Jissen Kobudo Jinnenkan
(Others to follow)
All demonstrations are alternated with the possibility for cutting
mats. We invite everyone to try it themselves.
The cutting exercises occurs after instruction and under supervision,
sign up for this with Arjan (Arjan (at) sohei.nl) so we can prepare
enough mats.
The evening will come to an end when we run out of food, drink or mats.
Until September 18, everyone!
Jephtastraat 1
2026 WB Haarlem
Arjan F. Tervoort
Kochōkai Bashoucho