Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Am 04.11.2012 Im November wird wieder ein Mugai Ryu Seminar in Koblenz stattfinden. Leitung des Seminars: Luciano Gabriel Morgenstern Mugai Ryu ist eine alte, authentische Kampfkunst der Samurai. Sie geht zurück bis ins Jahr 1693 und wird von Generation zu Generation weitergetragen. Die tiefe Verbundenheit zum Zen und schnörkellose Schönheit dieses Stils, schaffen die charakteristische … Continued
November 13th and 14th in Gröningen, Holland The first European Mugai Ryu Association Mugai Ryu Iaihyoudo Seminar will be held in Holland in November. For further information please download the PDF. Mugai Ryu Iaihyoudo Seminar in Holland
The first Seminar with Niina Gosoke in Europe! You can see all pictures in bigger size in our gallery as well. The first seminar of Niina Gosoke in Europa was taking place at May 22nd in the Keizankai Dojo Cologne, Germany. It was a great honor and joy to welcome Niina Gosoke! Gosoke started teaching … Continued
May 22th 2010 The first Mugai Ryu Iaihyoudo Seminar with Gosoke in Europe. Niina Gosoke, Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Iaido Grandmaster will hold his first European Seminar at Keizankai Dojo Köln. Even in Japan it is almost impossible to directly train under Niina Gosoke, so this is a great chance! Chikaoka Sensei will teach as … Continued
April 24th & May 1st We will hold a Kumitachi seminar on April 24th and a Kata seminar on May 1st. For further Information in English please contact us by mail or phone. Here you can download detailed information about the seminar in German as PDF files: Kumitachi Seminar Kata Seminar
Am Samstag, den 17. April ab 15:00 Uhr im neuen Dojo!