Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Our Europe-wide winterseminar will be held this year again!
Das Training geht in den Sommerferien weiter, aber es gilt vom 17.07. bis 29.08. folgender Stundenplan: Montag:18.30 Samurai Kids19.30 Tosei Ryu20.30 Mugai Ryu Mittwoch:17.30 Kung Fu Kids19.00 Genko Nito Ryu20.00 Kumitachi Donnerstag:Tai Chi 19.00Kung Fu 20.15 Für alle die gerne mehr trainieren möchten, wendet euch bitte an die Trainer.
Genko Nito Ryu, der zwei Schwerter Stil jetzt auch in Köln. Jeden Mittwoch um 19.00 Uhr.
The two-sword style Genko Nito-ryu is a style recompiled from Yamaguchi-ryu (the root of Mugai Ryu), Mugai Ryu and other styles using two swords. Nito-ryu is more advantageous than itto-ryu. Even Miyamoto Musashi said, “If you can use your left and right arms equally, nito-ryu is more advantageous than itto-ryu.” This is extremely natural and … Continued
Tameshigiri & Kenjutsu Seminar I am very happy to announce the Jiki Shinkage Ryu seminar with Matsuba sensei in May. Matsuba Kunimasa is one of the highest sword-smiths of Japan and a famous Aikido and Kenjutsu master. The seminar will include Tameshigiri and Kenjutsu For Tameshigiri will be used bamboo not Tatami. The Kenjutsu part … Continued
Jeden Mittwoch um 21:00 Uhr Wir bieten jetzt Kendo-ähnlichen Freikampf jeden Mittwoch nach dem Kenjutsu Training an. Alle Infos: Schwert – Kampfkunst in Köln.
Jeden Dienstag von 18.30 – 20.30 Mugai Ryu Kata
Mugai Ryu Demo at art exhibition The Tanshinkai Dojo will present Mugai Ryu at the art exhibition “Zeitreise” – Timetravel form Roland Schmidt. Zeitreise Im Sion Loft Schanzenstr 6-20 – Quartier 4 – Kupferhütte 51063 Köln-Mülheim Wednesday 28th December 2011 starting 20.00 am.
June 23rd 2010, the 28nd. death day of Tsuji Gettan Tsuji Gettan, Mugai Ryu Ryuuso (founder) died June 23rd 1728. We honor him on this day.