Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Am 10.03. und 11.03.2012 Im März wird das erste Mugai Ryu Seminar in Koblenz stattfinden. In diesem Seminar werden alle drei Aspekte des Mugai Ryu unterrichtet. Kata, Kumitachi und Tameshigiri. Leitung des Seminars: Luciano Gabriel Morgenstern Mugai Ryu ist eine alte, authentische Kampfkunst der Samurai. Sie geht zurück bis ins Jahr 1693 und wird von … Continued
On March 17th and 18th 2012 We will hold a Mugai Ryu seminar in the Netherlands in March. This time it will be in Amsterdam / Haarlem. There will be taught all three aspects of Mugai Ryu. Kata, Kumitachi und Tameshigiri. Teacher: Luciano Gabriel Morgenstern Mugai Ryu is an old, authentic martial art of the … Continued
Mugai Ryu Demo at art exhibition The Tanshinkai Dojo will present Mugai Ryu at the art exhibition “Zeitreise” – Timetravel form Roland Schmidt. Zeitreise Im Sion Loft Schanzenstr 6-20 – Quartier 4 – Kupferhütte 51063 Köln-Mülheim Wednesday 28th December 2011 starting 20.00 am.
And a happy new year I wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year! We have the pictures of our christmas party online and also my thoughts for the new year: Christmas party 2011 New year 2012, Damatte Keiko Shiro! All the best and see you next year!
Das Dojo schliesst über die Feiertage Das Tenshinkai Dojo bleibt vom 26.12.2011 bis zum 07.01.2012 geschlossen. Stephan öffnet die Schule in den Ferien für alle die trainieren möchten: Montag 02.01.2012 20:00 – 22:00 Uhr Mittwoch 04.01.2012 19:00 – 22:00 Uhr Freitag 06.01.2012 18:30 – 21:30 Uhr Samstag 07.01.2012 13:00 – 15:00 Uhr Frohe und friedliche … Continued
The Keizankai Dojo Köln gets a new name The Keizankai Dojo will be named Tenshinkai because of some discrepancies with Chikaoka Sensei, leader of Keizankai Japan. There is no more connection to Chikaoka Sensei. The Mugai Ryu Europe Federation, as well as all included dojos, are still directly under the Mugai Ryu Meishi Ha Soke, … Continued
We will celebrate together at December, the 18th Our yearly tradition wille be caught on in 2011 as well! As every year we celebrate christmas together. As every year with a Tameshigiri event. And again with the handout of the certificates. This year we will also have exams (hopefully) to celebrate, so it will be … Continued
Ab Montag, den 14.11.2011 findet wöchentlich von 17.30 bis 18.30 Uhr der Kinderkurs statt. Ausserdem haben sich einige Termine geändert.
Mugai Ryu Iaido and Kenjutsu in Koblenz Opening and ceremony Everybody is welcome! Saturday, December 3rd, starting 13.00 Enter from 12.30 You are very welcome to the opening of our new dojo in Koblenz. We will show a introduction to Mugai Ryu Iaido and Kenjutsu and would be happy if you could enjoy the day … Continued
On September 18th 2011 On September 18, 2011 Kochō-kai will be opened officially with an “open house”. From 18:00 to 22:00, everyone (budoka, interested persons, family, friends, neighbors of the hall who or whatever) welcome to the opening celebration. The opening is a “bring your own.” All visitors are asked what food and drink with … Continued