Kung Fu Toa Lines
The forms of Kung Fu Toa aim to strengthen mind and body by demanding power, endurance and elegance.
The meditation is the key factor in the Kung Fu Toa and general martial arts philosophy after master Sarafnia. He stresses integrated thinking without focussing on the own person or ego.
The philosphy of martial arts and Kung Fu Toa, the way I learned from master Sarafnia is strongly connected to the mythology of Simurgh (phoenix), sufism, as well as buddhistic and taoistic ways.
Following the principle: “Know yourself and you will know god (or the world, universe, etc.). So recognize yourself!”, everything is about the inner understanding and cognition as well as developing yourself.
The Simurgh is the phoenix of the persian mythology and Zoroatrism and symbolizes the struggle for elaboration. He is an insign for the student who himself is on the way to self-awareness.
So the way of Kung Fu Toa is the way to find the truth in yourself and can be practised by everybody regardless of nationality, belief, philosophy, religion or gender. Meditation is a crucial aspect of the training and is practised after every exercise. The body is the fundament of the mind and both should be brought in unison.
Simurgh on Wikipedia.