Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
Tai Chi Seminar in Köln. Hun Yuan Chen Stil Tai Chi und Qi Gong Seminar in Köln Nippes.
Mugai Ryu seminar, exams & christmas-party Mugai Ryu seminar with Luciano Gabriel Morgenstern Sensei December 15th and 16th at 13.00. We will work on the Mugai Ryu Iai-kata and basics and the Shinto-Ryu Kenjutsu kata. Price: 100,- Euro Price one day: 60,- Euro Price for NPO members: 90,- Euro The seminars will be at the … Continued
Vom 15.10. – 27.10. sind Herbstferien und es gibt wieder einen modifizierten Trainingsplan.