Tosei Ryu
Japanese Stick-fighting using the tanjo, an effective martial arts also for self defense.
We will celebrate together at December, the 18th Our yearly tradition wille be caught on in 2011 as well! As every year we celebrate christmas together. As every year with a Tameshigiri event. And again with the handout of the certificates. This year we will also have exams (hopefully) to celebrate, so it will be … Continued
Ab Montag, den 14.11.2011 findet wöchentlich von 17.30 bis 18.30 Uhr der Kinderkurs statt. Ausserdem haben sich einige Termine geändert.
Mugai Ryu Iaido and Kenjutsu in Koblenz Opening and ceremony Everybody is welcome! Saturday, December 3rd, starting 13.00 Enter from 12.30 You are very welcome to the opening of our new dojo in Koblenz. We will show a introduction to Mugai Ryu Iaido and Kenjutsu and would be happy if you could enjoy the day … Continued