Kung Fu Kids
Kung Fu for children in Cologne! The Fu Kids training focuses on playful introduction to the world of Kung Fu.
Almost every child is fascinated by martial arts and even more of sword- or stick-fighting. That seems only natural, if you watch children playing fighting with sticks. Most children also like to identify with knights, or samurai – the japanese knights.
Our children classes are made for the most important people of the world. The kids learn how to use their body and how to behave in a playful manner. They get confronted with their limits and dicipline without getting demoralized. They get self-confident and get a clear mind. The focus, reaction and body awareness improve.
The martial arts of the samurai is a very essential form of fighting and body use. The kids learn basic understanding of how to use their body and mind. On the other hand they learn how to react on stress situation in a playful manner and get a understanding for potential aggression. It is important to know how to self defend yourself. Surely security is a matter of highest important and we use only safety equipment.
Furthermore the children learn how to breathe correctly and get some basic meditation techniques. We teach sublime virtues of Bushido and respect for others as well as moral basics.
It is very important to show children that it is fun to move In modern society. TV and video games as well as the internet lead to a deficit of movement.
And last but not least it is a lot of fun and they can meet nice new friends.